Friday, July 1, 2011


Gundam SEED Movie 1 - The Empty BattleFieldIn the year 71 of the Cosmic Era (rather than the "Gundam Saga" timeframe or the "Alternate Universe"), Kira Yamoto accidentally becomes a mecha pilot when he stumbles onto the top secret Strike Gundam during an attack on his home satellite-colony, Heliopolis. Although the war is technically between the Earth Alliance and ZAFT, it`s really a conflict between the human "Naturals" and the genetically enhanced "Coordinators".
The movie and the broadcast series offer the ingredients of a classic Gundam saga: a reluctant warrior, a masked enemy general, and an old friend who tests the hero`s loyalty. Cutting the running time so substantially moves the action along a breakneck pace, but leaves little time for character development. Director Mitsuo Kukada uses CG to choreograph some very snazzy mecha battles, in space, within Heliopolis, and on Earth, often with a fine disregard for the laws of physics.

Gundam SEED Movie 1 - The Empty BattleField

Type : mkv
Audio : Japanese
Subs : English
Size : 1,3 GB
Uploader : sherard

Part 1 : Indowebster
Part 2 : Indowebster
Part 3 : Indowebster

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